
5 movies that i love

Conan The Barbarian...

Because i am a fanboy and i love conan. Because i love the fact he only speaks 5 words to his love interest. Because i am a fanboy.........

Lost In Translatuon... because the magic the two protagonists share is something mythical... something that is unreal... and true...

The Fountain... because the soundtrack blends so perfectly into the movie you cant help but feel it...

The Big Lebowski because a character like the Dude you have never met and if you have you probably never will... Not on the rug man!!!!

The Limey... Because of Terence Stamps performance... a man who has lost everything but has nothing to lose...

London... Because Statham and Evans hold the whole movie together... and you feell so fucking sober...


thepavl said...

και προφανως κανενας δε καταλαβε οτι οι ταινιες που εχω γραψει ειναι 6...


Citizen Mac said...

Άσε που η μία λέγεται Lost in Translatuon.

thepavl said...

FAIL αλλα το αφήνω όπως έχει χαχαχαχα!